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8 Verse(s) found. (8 Verse(s) displayed).

Search For: 1937 - Messengers: mocked

Al-An'am (The Cattle) Arabic -
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6:10 Mocked were (many) apostles before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Arabic -
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13:32 Mocked were (many) apostles before thee: but I granted respite to the unbelievers, and finally I punished them: Then how (terrible) was my requital!

Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Arabic -
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15:11 But never came an apostle to them but they mocked him.

Al-Kahf (The Cave) Arabic -
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18:100 And We shall present Hell that day for Unbelievers to see, all spread out,-

Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) Arabic -
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21:41 Mocked were (many) apostle before thee; But their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Arabic -
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25:41 When they see thee, they treat thee no otherwise than in mockery: "Is this the one whom Allah has sent as an apostle?"

Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Arabic -
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25:42 "He indeed would well-nigh have misled us from our gods, had it not been that we were constant to them!" - Soon will they know, when they see the Penalty, who it is that is most misled in Path!

Ya-Sin (Ya-Sin) Arabic -
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36:30 Ah! Alas for (My) Servants! There comes not an apostle to them but they mock him!